Computer Graphics for Program

Study of various algorithms in computer graphics and their implementation in any programming language

Things you will cover in this  course:

  • Graphics hardware.
  • Fundamental algorithms.
  • Applications of graphics.
  • Interactive graphics programming
  • — graph plotting,
  • windows and clipping, and segmentation.
  • Programming raster display systems,
  • Differential Line Algorithm,
  • panning and zooming.
  • Raster algorithms and software
  • — Scan-Converting lines,
  • characters and circles.
  • Scaling, Rotation,
  • Translation,
  • Region filling and clipping.
  • Two and three dimensional imaging geometry (Perspective projection and Orthogonal projection) and transformations. Curve and surface design,
  • rendering,
  • shading,
  • colour and animation.

Reference material:

1. “Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice,” J. D. Foley, A. van Dam, S. K.     Feiner and J. F. Hughes, Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-12110-7.

2. “Computer Graphics”, F.S.Hill, Maxwell MacMillan ISBN: 0-02-354860-6.

3. “Interactive Computer Graphics: Functional, Procedural and Device-level methods”, Peter Burger and Duncan. F. Gillies; Addison-Wesley, (2003)

Other Information:

Course code:  a

Prerequisites:  None

Credit Hours:  3

Lectures: 2

Labs:      1 


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