Objectives of this course:
Operation systems course will let help students to gain a general understanding of the principles and concepts governing the functions of operating systems and acquaint students with the layered approach that makes design, implementation and operation of the complex OS possible.OS is basically a well defined set of instructions that decides how machines will work.These instructions are written by professional programmers and software engineers.For example processor gives permission of accessing resources to particular processes and processor gives back all the resources when a particular process is completed.
Things you will cover in this course:
- History and Goals
- Evolution of multi-user systems
- Process and CPU management
- Multithreading
- Kernel and User Modes
- Protection
- Problems of cooperative processes
- Synchronization
- Deadlocks
- Memory management and virtual memory
- Relocation
- External Fragmentation
- Paging and Demand Paging
- Secondary storage
- Security and Protection
- File systems
- I/O systems
- Introduction to distributed operating systems
- Scheduling and dispatch
- Introduction to concurrency
- Assignments involving different single and multithreaded OS algorithms
Reference material:
1. Operating System Concepts, 9th Edition, Silberschatz A., Peterson, J. L., & Galvin P. C. 2012.2. Modern Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Tanenmaum A. S., 2008.