Electronics is a branch of engineering which deals with vast range of electronic devices like semiconductors, transistors, tubes,and it helps us to solve our daily life problems.In this course you will learn basic knowledge about devices and their work ,like how current passes through a gas vacum or semiconductor.
As we know all devices operates on current so in this course your main focus will be on voltage and current flow.You will also learn about many interesting software like NI mulitisim.Its basically a national instruments simulation tool through which you can create interesting designs using virtual transistors wires and current.Its biggest advantage is that there no chance of any kind of destruction.
Things you will cover in this course:
- Fundamentals of Semiconductor physics
- Band theory
- Semiconductors (intrinsic and extrinsic)
- PN junction
- PN junctions as a rectifier
- Clipper and clamper circuits
- Zener diode and voltage regulator
- LED and LCD etc
- Transistors
- Bipolar Junction transistors
- BJT biasing circuits
- Q-point, BJT as a switch
- BJT amplifiers
- Classes of amplifiers
- Power amplifiers
- Metal oxide
- Transistors
- nMOS pMOS and CMOS inverters circuits
- Introduction to A/D and D/A conversion circuits
Reference material:
1. University Physics, Freedman. Young. 10th and higher editions.2. College Physics, Resnick. Halliday. Krane. 6th and higher editions.
Good information