Proofs and normal forms in Mathematics


A proof may be a valid argument that introduces the truth of a mathematical equation. A proof can use the hypotheses of the therm. If any axioms assumed to be true, and previously proved thermos. Using these ingredients and rules of inference the final step of the proof establishes the truth of the statement being proved.

The topic based for a statement to move from formal proofs of thermos toward more informal proofs.


Let P (n) be “If a and b are positive integers with a≥b  then an≥bn ,”where the domain

consists of all nonnegative integers. Show that P(0 ) is true.

Trivial proof:

The hypothesis p®q must be true if q is true

As P (0)

Then the statement as follows

a0 ³ b0

a0 =1, b0=1

This implies

1 ≥ 1.

Hence proved P (0) is true for the given statement.


 Prove that the sum of two rational numbers is rational.


Two integers p and q with q≠0, such that r=p/q.


Two integers t and u with u≠0, such that s=t/u.

Adding these two eq.

r + s = p/q + t/u

         = ( pu + qt ) / qu.

So two integers are derived pu + qt and qu with qu≠0, thus r + s is rational.

Proofs by contradiction:

Suppose we want to prove that a statement p is true. Furthermore, suppose that we can find a contradiction q such that ~p → q is true. Because q is false, but ~p → q is true, we can conclude that ~p is false, which means that p is true.

The main purpose of the contradiction proofs is to find the substitutions of the given proposition.


“Show that at least four of any 22 days must fall on the same day of the weak.”


As p be the proposition: at least four of any 22 days must fall on the same day of the weak. This implies ~p is true.

There exist 7 days of the weak. 21 days from 22 occupies three days must fall on same days. And r be proposition: 22 days are chosen.

This shows at least one day must fall on the same day 4 times.

The substitution is ~p → (r ^ ~r).

Consequently p is true.


“Prove that √2 is irrational.”


As p be the proposition: “√2 is irrational”.

√2 is not irrational. ~p.


Taking square on both sides.



Therefor a=2c.


 b2=2c2. Here b2 is even.

So the √2 is not a rational number.

The contradiction is (p ^ ~p).


Show that these statement about the integer n are equivalent:

P1: n is even.

P2: n – 1 is odd.

P3: n2 is even.


Three conditional statements as P1→P2, P2→P3 and P3→P1 are true.

Let n=2k, that is even.

And n-1=2k-1 is odd this implies n-1=2(k-1) +1.

If n-1 is an odd integer then n-1=2k+1.

So n=2k+2.

Taking square

  n2= (2k+2)2=4k2+8k+4

      = 2(2k2+4k+2)

   As 2k2+4k+2 is even.

Hence given conditions are true.

Mistakes in proofs:

There are many errors made in constructing mathematical proof. Here we discussed about some of these. Even professional mathematicians make such errors, especially when working with complicated formulas.


The famous supposed proof that “1=2”.


Let a & b are two equal positive integers.


1-   a = b                                     Given

2-   a2 = ab                                 Multiply both sides by a

3-   a2 – b2 = ab – b2                           Subtract b2 from both sides

4-   (a – b)(a + b) = b(a – b)     Factor both sides

5-   a + b = b                              Divide both sides by a - b

6-   2b = b                                  Replace a by b as a = b

7-   2 = 1                                     Divide both sides by b

All steps are valid except 5, we divided both sides by a – b.

As a – b = 0. So that is the error. Division by same quantity is valid until it become not a zero.

Propositions, propositional variables, connectives   (¬, ˄, ˅, →, ↔) and the parentheses used in the proper manner to form formula or a normal form or a propositional form.

A product of the variables and their negations in a formula is called an elementary product.


¬p ˄q, q ˄ r ˄ ¬s, q etc.

A sum of the variables and their negations in a formula is called an elementary sum.


¬p ˅ q, q ˅ p ˅ s, p etc.

A variable or the negation of a variable is called literal.

*A necessary and sufficient condition for an elementary product to be identically false (a contradiction) is that it contains at least one pair of literals in which one is the negation of other.

F ˄. . . . is equal to F.

*A necessary and sufficient condition for an elementary sum to be identically true (a tautology) is that it contains at least one pair of literals in which one is the negation of other.

T ˅. . . . is equal to T.

Note: First replace → and ↔ by ˅, ˄ and ¬. Then use De Morgan’s law where need.


“A formula which is equivalent to a given formula and consists of sum a elementary products is called a disjunctive normal form (DNF)”


(p → q) ˄ ¬q


(p → q) ˄ ¬q

=(¬p ˅ q) ˄ ¬q

=(¬p ˄ q) ˅ (q ˄ ¬ q)      DNF.

Conjunctive normal form:

“A formula which is equivalent to a given formula and consists of a product of elementary sums is called a conjunctive normal form (CNF)”


(p → q) ˄ ¬q


(p → q) ˄ ¬q

= (¬p ˅ q) ˄ ¬q        CNF.

Principal disjunctive normal form:

“An equivalent formula consisting of minterms only is known as principal disjunctive normal form (PDNF)”. Such a normal form is also called sum of products canonical form.


p ˅ ¬q 


p ˅ ¬q

= [p ˄ ( q ˅ ¬q)] ˅ [¬q ˄ (p ˅ ¬p)]

= ( p ˄ q) ˅ ( p ˄ ¬ q) ˅ ( ¬q ˄ p) ˅ (¬q ˄ ¬p)

= ( p ˄ q) ˅ ( p ˄ ¬q) ˅ ( ¬p ˄ ¬q)]           PDNF.

Principal conjunctive normal form:

“An equivalent formula consisting of conjunction of maxterms only is known as principal conjunctive normal form (PCNF). This normal form is also called the product of sums canonical form.


p ↔ q


p ↔ q

= ( p → q) ˄ ( q → p)

= (¬p ˅ q) ˄ ( ¬q ˅ p)                  PCNF.

Normal form for first order logic:

“A formula F in the first order logic is said to be in a prenex normal form if and only if the formula F is in the form of (Q1x1). . .(Qnxn) (M) where every (Qixi), i =1, . . . n is either (É„xi) or (ÆŽxi), and M is a formula containing no quantifiers.  (Q1x1). . .(Qnxn) is called the prefix and M is called the matrix of the formula F.”


É„x P(x) → ÆŽx Q(x)


 É„x P(x) → ÆŽx Q(x)

= ¬ É„x P(x) → ÆŽx Q(x)

= ÆŽx (¬P(x)) ˅ ÆŽx Q(x)

= ÆŽx (¬P(x) ˅ Q(x))

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