Discrete Structures For BS Program

Discrete Structure is a main course for bs four year program specially for math students.This course is purely on math and logic based.

Things you will cover in this  course:

  • Mathematical reasoning: introduction to logic, 
  • propositional and predicate
  • calculus; negation disjunction and conjunction; 
  • implication and equivalence;
  • truth tables; 
  • predicates; 
  • quantifiers; 
  • natural deduction;
  •  rules of Inference;
  • methods of proofs; 
  • use in program proving; 
  • resolution principle; Set theory:
  • Paradoxes in set theory; 
  • inductive definition of sets and proof by induction;
  • Relations, 
  • representation of relations by graphs; 
  • properties of relations,
  • equivalence relations and partitions; 
  • Partial orderings; Linear and wellordered
  • sets; Functions: mappings, injection and surjection,
  • composition of
  • functions; inverse functions; special functions; Peano postulates; Recursive 20
  • function theory; Elementary combinatorics; counting techniques; recurrence
  • relation; generating functions.
  • Graph Theory: elements of graph theory, Planar Graphs, Graph Colouring,
  • Euler graph, Hamiltonian path, trees and their applications.

Reference material:

1. Discrete Mathematical Structure with Application to Computer Science, J.P. Temblay and B Manohar, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition.

2. Discrete Mathematics, 7th edition, Richard Johnson Baugh, 2008,Prentice Hall Publishers.

3. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 6th edition, Kenneth H. Rosen,2006, McGraw-Hill Book Co.

4. Discrete Mathematical Structures, 4th edition, Kolman, Busby & Ross,2000, Prentice-Hall Publishers.

5. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction, Ralph P. Grimaldi, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1985.

6. Logic and Discrete Mathematics: A Computer Science Perspective byWinifred Grassman, Jean-Paul Tremblay, Winifred Grassman, Prentice Hall, 1995

Other Information:

Course code:  NA

Prerequisites:  None

Credit Hours:  3

Lectures: 3

Labs:      0  


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